Monday, October 19, 2009

Riding The Wave of Parenthood

     When I originally took this photo, I didn't know why I felt so compelled to do so, but subconsciously must have known that it would one day serve a purpose.  As it turns out, that purpose ended up being this little blog with 3 followers, none of whom really give a damn about what some stranger from California has to say. 

     Being the father of two young girls and the husband of a beautiful wife, I find myself grossly outnumbered in almost every circumstance.  It often feels as though the uterine walls are closing in around me and there is no chance of escape.  As one can imagine, living in a house full of girls, a man has to grow accustomed to the sound of crying either up close or in the next room almost at all times.  Trying to find commom ground between an 8 year old girl and a 35 year old man  is always a challenge.  Wanting to watch the game, drink beer and scratch myself in inappropriate places will never be a popular decision in this house and can only be done when the girls are out doing whatever the girls go out to do.

     Being the father of two young girls and the husband of a beautiful wife, I find myself loved unconditionally no matter what the circumstance.  It often feels as if that love grows every day and that there is no chance of ever being alone.  As one can imagine, living in a house full of girls, a man has to grow accustomed to the sound of laughter and singing either up close or in the next room almost at all times.  When common ground is found between an 8 year old girl and a 35 year old man, it makes it all worth it.  All of a sudden, watching the game, drinking beer and scratching myself in inappropriate places doesn't seem as important as it used to.

     This is the wave of parenthood, and for as long or as short as it lasts, shouldn't we enjoy the ride? 



1 comment:

  1. Enjoy it. It seems only 2 weeks ago that mine was 8. Enjoy every minute because it will end too quickly.
